Chapter 2581 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep74
- Beth looked up to see Leslie and Ron making their way toward them, and attempted to reign in her laughter. "Shh, here he comes with the sales Will you stick around and stroke his ego a little, or at least not make him feel like a freak, please?"
- Sue managed to suppress her giggles, even with Beth suggesting she 'stroke' Ron's ego. Who was she to argue with a woman basically pleading with her to ogle her well hung son. "Yeah, I guess I can try, I mean, after all, it's really no big deal." Sue smile broadly as she repeated the punch line to Beth's earlier unintended joke, managing to conceal the crocodile smile just as Ron and Leslie joined them.
- Beth quickly excused herself to do some more shopping, fulfilling her role as the "it would be to weird to be here' mother.